Posts Categorized: Sandbox

Wedding Monsters

Thumbnail: Wedding Monsters

Just returned from my honeymoon and wanted a share a couple of rare illustrations. Katie, my wife, art directed most of our wedding materials: designing most of the invitation, program, and other fun things. She got a little help. Especially with these guys. These illustrations were featured on cards for our bridal party. They were… Read more »

UCD Final Project: Non-Profit Website

Last August I acquired a certificate in User Centered Design (UCD) from the University of Washington’s Human Centered Design & Engineering department. Our final project was this heavily researched gem: The site was made in a couple days, but the design was researched and mapped out over months. I hope it helps the Boundless Arts… Read more »

Relaunching a Copywriter’s Portfolio Website

Copywriter Website

This was the second time building Stephen’s site, the first being a couple of years ago. Every ad-man needs a good book, and these days they’re digital. We upgraded him to a responsive portfolio a couple of months ago, starting with some beautiful comps designed by my friend Andy Stewart ( I took some of… Read more »

Playing with RealPlayer Icons

Thumbnail of RealPlayer Icon Test

Last summer I began working at RealNetworks on the RealPlayer marketing team. It’s been a great experience. I came up with this somewhere along the way, though we’ve never used it.  With the ‘flat’ movement in full swing I doubt we ever will. This started as a vector logo Illustrator and ended in Photoshop where… Read more »